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FILE* fileHandle;
// Create an the xml file in text and Unicode encoding mode.
if ((fileHandle = _wfopen( L"_wfopen_twhatsapp怎么扫描加好友est.xml",L"wt+,ccs=UNICODE")) == NULL) // C4996
// Note: _wfopen is deprecated; consider using _wfopen_s instead
// crt__wfopewhatsapp照片怎么多选发送n.c
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// This pr中国whatsapp网页版加速软件ogram creates a file (or overwrites one if
// it exists), in text mode using Unicode encoding.
// It then writes two strings into the file
// and then closes the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 50
int main(int argc, char** argv)
wchar_t str[BUFFER_SIZE];
size_t strSize;
FILE* fileHandle;
//whatsapp网页版营销话术; Create an the xml file in text and Unicode encoding mode.
if ((fileHandle = _wfopen( L"_wfopen_test.xml",L"wt+,ccs=UNICODE")) == NULL) // C4996
// Note: _wfopen is deprecated; consider using _wfopen_s instead
wprintf(L"_wfopen failed!\n");
// Write a string into the file.
wcscpy_s(str, sizeof(str)/sizeof(wchar_t), L"<xmlTag>\n&qwhatsapp网页版最新版本下载uot;);
strSize = wcslen(str);
if (fwrite(str,whatsapp功能有哪些 sizeof(wchar_t), strSize, fileHandle) != strSize)
wprinwhatsapp电脑端截图tf(L"fwrite failed!\n");
// Write a string into the file.
wcscpy_s(str, sizeof(str)whatsapp已读消息但双勾灰色7;siwhatsapp网页版网址zeof(wchar_t), L"</xmlTag>");
strSize = wcslen(str);
if (fwrite(str, sizeof(wchar_t), strSize, fileHandle) != strSize)
wprintf(L"fwrite failed!\n");
// Close the file.
if (fclose(fileHandle))
wprintf(L"fclose failed!\n");
return 电脑上怎么下载whatsapp网页版0;
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